29/9/2021, 19.00 h.
Kostel sv. Vavřince
The dramaturgy of the 16th American Spring Festival will reflect the theme of Exile. Pianist Nikol Bóková will present the works of authors who forced the emigration in our country and who also succeeded greatly overseas – Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Tomáš Svoboda. In the chosen repertoire, Nikol is inspired to create original compositions, which will be performed in the second part of the concert in a trio – piano, double bass and drums.
Nikol Bóková is a musician dedicated to many genres of music but particularly works as a performer of classical music. Her repertoire ranges from Baroque to contemporary but the 19th and 20th Century periods are a primary focus. From an early age Nikol has been involved in leading Czech orchestras, including performing solo with the Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra at just nine years old, and has recorded consistently with the Czech Radio Company recording works by composer Oskar Nedbal, for example. In addition to performing interpretations of classical music, Nikol regularly writes her own works. Amongst the most recent being her Trio project for piano, double-bass and drums, which combined both classical music and jazz with her penchant for fusing music and literary themes, as well as more experimental and improvisational pieces in other projects.
V. Novák: Balada Manfréd op. 2
T. Svoboda: Bagatelles In a Forest op. 42 no.1 “Trails”
S. Rachmaninov: Sonáta op. 36 no. 2
E. W. Korngold: Was der Wald erzählt no. 1
N. Bóková: What the forest says
T. Svoboda: Eulogy for piano (*and acoustic bass) op. 146
E. W. Korngold: 4 kleine Karikaturen op. 19 no. IV
N. Bóková: Manfred
N. Bóková: Sergei